Friday, October 5, 2012

Fresh Salsa

So this is one of those recipes that you just kind of have to wing it until it's right. This isn't a very clear recipe but just add or don't add what you want and season to taste. I hope it turns out for you as it did for me, because this batch was REALLY tasty, and not too hot, even my 1 year old who doesn't eat anything ate it!!  I was searching for a recipe for salsa that used fresh tomatoes because I have 3 very large plants with a hundred of tomatoes and the only thing I could think of doing with them was salsa. I couldn't find a recipe I liked so I made this one up. I'm not sure how many cups it made but it was in the larges bowl I had and pretty much filled it up, so whatever that is ... a lot :) sorry I don't know! Since it made so much I just put it in  freezer containers and froze it. Just take it out the night before in place in fridge to thaw. My friend said that if it's a little runny so you could add some regular tomato sauce to it. **Keep in mind that when adding your pepper, garlic salt and cumin add a little at a time, you can always add more but can't take it out!! Even though it's a large batch you wont need much seasoning because it's sooo flavorful on it's own.**

1. Place in a blender: 1/4 red onion cut into big chunks, 3 garlic cloves cut in half, 1 can of regular Rotel, 1 large fresh tomato cut into big chunks, 1 small hand full of cilantro, 1/2 of a jalapeno (I cut the seeds out). Blend until it's chunky or to whatever consistancy you like. I did mine in fine chunks.

2. Place salsa into a large bowl. Add black pepper, garlic salt and cumin, and fresh lime juice (I used 1 1/2 limes) to to taste. 

3. Cut up all your tomatoes and add to salsa in bowl. I cut up around 10 medium/large "big beef' tomatoes. 

4. Gently mix everything together and taste, add anything you may need to add to make it taste like you like. In my case I needed to add a little more cumin and garlic salt.

It will keep in the fridge for a couple weeks.

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